Monday, August 1, 2011

Any Given Sunday #1 (Mixtape) - J. Cole

Surprise? I don't think anyone had any idea that this gem was going to be dropped by Cole. Any Given Sunday #1 is filled with 5 great "unreleased" and new tracks, all of which are so dope. But then again, any Cole is great Cole. Check out a couple of my favs, then you need to download the whole mix. Enjoy.

Like A Star - J. Cole (New track)

Unabomber - J. Cole (Dope, unreleased track)

Check out, then download all 5 tracks below:

Moment (Video + MP3) - Shome

Short but sweet. I got sent an email about this guy, Shome, who I had never heard of before. Shome is actually out of New Orleans , but now goes to University Of North Carolina. He's got some serious skill. I'll be honest, I was completely tired of Moment 4 Life remixes/covers so I almost passed this one up, but I am real glad I didn't, because I would have completely missed out on this great artist. This track/video are actually just a little teaser for Shome's upcoming project, In Due Time EP, which I have high hopes for. Check out the video and then grab the track below.

Tara - Skizzy Mars

I love this track. Skizzy does it again. He puts together another great track, with a wicked beat, and of course amazing flow. He is one of those guy's who really has his own, fresh sound, which really separates him from the mess of new artists coming out these days. Seriously, Skizzy Mars is going places. He has blown up all over the web. You can't go to a blog without seeing him at least once. Anyway, a great new track from the always great Skizzy Mars. This one has a little bit different feel to it, but it's still dope track. Enjoy it.

Camera Zoom (Video) - Cato

Some visuals dropped for Camera Zoom from the one and only, Cato. I've always been a sucker for videos, so when I got sent this joint I had to post it. Cato is no stranger to HotLeaks at this point, so you should already know all about him. If not, check him out on facebook and twitter. This is just a taste of whats to come, so get ready for his mixtape coming later this summer, The Nite Owl.